Easily graph functions, solve equations, find special points of functions, save and share your results. Millions of people around the world use GeoGebra to learn math and science. Join us!
• Plot functions, polar and parametric curves
• Solve equations with our powerful math engine
• Experience transformations with sliders
• Get special points of functions: roots, min, max, intersections
• Find derivatives and integrals
• Do regression with best-fit lines
• Search for free learning activities directly from our app
• Save and share your results with friends and teachers
Besuche www.geogebra.org um mehr zu erfahren und entdecke all unsere kostenlosen GeoGebra Apps. Wir würden uns sehr freuen von dir zu hören: sende uns deine Fragen oder Anregungen an support@geogebra.org oder via Twitter @geogebra